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Memphite Temples

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Life of the Two Lands 

Memphis is the home to these Temples. It was the Capital City of Egypt during the Old Kingdom Period. When it was not the Capital, it remained an important and strategic trading city and home to the living who looked after the dead at its Necropolis in Saqqara. 

For more details about Memphis, click here.

Hut-ka-ptah, Great Temple of Ptah

What: Home of the Soul of the God Ptah. The largest and principal Temple in Memphis throughout its time as a capital and afterwards. Considered as 1 of the 3 most significantly religious places in Ancient Egypt along with the Temple of Amun in Thebes and the Temple of Ra in Heliopolis

Where: City Centre of Ancient Memphis

Who: The Cult Centre for the God Ptah, along with his consort, the Goddess Sekhmet, and their son, the God Nefertem

For more details about this Temple, click on the image above

Temple of Ptah of Pharaoh Rameses II, Beloved of Amun, God and Ruler of Heliopolis

What: Religious Temple with a Tower, ritualised Courtyard with columns and a pillared hall with its Sanctuary

Where: Southwest corner of Great Temple of Ptah, which open towards the east

Who: Dedicated to the deified Pharaoh Ramses II with the Gods Ptah, Horus and Amun

Temple of Hathor

What: A small Temple dedicated to the Goddess Hathor and has similar architectural features to some smaller Temple-Shrines in Karnak Temple

Where: Adjacent to the South Wall of the Great Temple of Ptah

When: Erected in the reign of Pharaoh Ramses II

Why: Thought to have been a Shrine rather than a full Temple, maybe to hold the Goddess’s Statue in times of major religious festivals when it was presumed to have travelled here from its more regal Temple in Memphis which is yet to be discovered

Temple of Ptah and Sekhmet of Pharaoh Rameses II

What: Religious Temple on a smaller scale that the Temples of Ptah of Ramses II

Where: Inside the Great Temple of Ptah, near to the Great Colossus of Ramses II

When: 19th Dynasty

Who: Dedicated to the deified Pharaoh Ramses II with the God Ptah and Goddess Sekhmet

Temple of Aten

What: Religious Temple for God Aten, the God of the Sun Disk

Where: Unknown at present

When: Thought to have been initiated by Pharaoh Amenhotep IV in the 18th Dynasty before he changed his name to Pharaoh Akhenaten

Who: Pharaoh Tutankhamun, when he was Crown Prince Tutankhaten was sent to study as a “Steward of the Temple of Aten in Memphis”

Temple of Ptah of Pharaoh Merenptah

What: A Temple with a large Courtyard which had an opening on the south via a large door

Where: Inside the Great Temple of Ptah in the Southeast; and was connected to a large ceremonial palace

When: 19th Dynasty, but was in ruins by the Late Period

Who: Used by all the Pharaohs of the New Kingdom Period

Temple of Apis, Manifestation of Ptah

What: Religious Temple with 2 Chambers; 1 for Apis and 1 for his mother. Herodotus confirmed that the Temple had a Peristyle columned Courtyard with large statues

Where: Yet to be found. Thought to be near the Great Temple of Ptah. We know this information from classical historians

When: Erected during the reign of Pharaoh Psamtik I of the 26th Dynasty

Who: The Bull was housed in the Temple and people watched his actions which could be interpreted. A window in the Temple Wall allowed people to view him to spread his virility

Temple of Amun

What: A Temple dedicated to the Theban Triad, under the name of the God Amun, his spouse Goddess Mut and their son, the God Khonsu

Where: South of the Great Temple of Ptah

When: Initiated by Pharaoh Neterkheperre during the 21st Dynasty

Temple of Goddess Sekhmet

What: All that is understood to date is that it was a small Temple which was primarily dedicated to the Goddess of the Memphite Triad along with the God Ptah and the God Nefertem

Where: Unknown at present but thought to have been within the Great Temple of Ptah

When: Thought to have been at least re-dedicated and added to during the rule of Pharaoh Ramses III

  • The Temple to God Anubis during the Ptolemaic-Roman period
  • The Temple to God Mithras in Northern Memphis during the Roman Period
  • The Temple to Goddess Astarte, Phoenician Goddess of Fertility & Sex, Love & War, erected in the Phoenician Area of Memphis during the Greek Period
  • The Temple of the Goddess Neith, found in the North of the Great Temple of Ptah 

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