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Conquering Egypt

Pharaoh Alexander the Great - The Pharaohs - The People

The Infamous Pharaoh who built himself an Empire and was welcomed into rule Egypt with open arms after the subjugation faced by the Egyptians from the Persians

After conquering the ruler of the Persian Empire at the Battle of Issus in 333 BC, Alexander the Great looked towards Syria. He ruled Syria in 332 BC. Next, he wanted Egypt, but how could he not only physically but also mentally conquer Egypt?

The joined Macedonian and Greek Army arrived in Egypt with King Alexander in Autumn 332 BC and immediately invaded the country that was still held by Provincial Rulers who were loyal to Persia. The Egyptians welcomed Alexander as a liberator of the populace, and they were eager for him to overthrow the Persians who had made them into slaves. Alexander took the rulership of Egypt without a battle.

King Alexander understood the importance to himself, his Empire and Egypt herself that he was recognised officially as a Pharaoh. He travelled to the infamous Oracle of God Amun Ra at Siwa Oasis, where he was announced as Pharaoh, God in Egypt, and the son of God Amun Ra, as the Pharaohs of old had been proclaimed.

As the new Pharaoh, Alexander was crowned and enthroned as the newest God in the Temple of Ptah in Memphis, the ancient religious city. To learn more about Memphis, click here. 

The Temple of Ptah was a strategically clever choice made by Pharoah Alexander as it was known to be the home of the Soul of the God Ptah.

The largest and principal Temple in Memphis which was widely considered as one of the three most significantly religious places in Egypt along with the Temple of Amun in Thebes and the Temple of Ra in Heliopolis. To learn more about the Temple of Ptah in Memphis, click here.

During his relatively short time in Egypt, Pharaoh Alexander:

  • Dedicated new statues to the Egyptian deities
  • Reformed the Taxation system based on his homeland’s models
  • Agreed Plans and founded Alexandria at the Port City of Rhakotis
  • Restored Temples which the Persians had, at best, failed to maintain
  • Reorganised how the military occupied and secured the country, abolishing many of the Persian directives
  • Added a Chapel for the Sacred Barque to Luxor Temple

Too early Pharaoh Alexander was forced to leave Egypt to pursue the Persians ever further in 331 BC. Arguably his greatest remaining legacy for Egypt was his namesake city. Click on the Images to visit the new Capital City of Alexandria.

To learn more about the life of Pharaoh Alexander of Egypt, click on the relevant image below

Early History

From his birth to the ascension to his Macedonian Throne

Early Reign

From when he took his first Throne to when he took the Throne of Egypt

Later Campaigns

How did Alexander finally forge his Empire?

Death & Legacy

What happened to Alexander the Great? What did this mean for Egypt?


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