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27th & 28th Dynasty Pharaohs

The Pharaohs - The People

Brief History of the 27th and 28th Dynasty

The Persians ruled over Egypt as part of their extended Empire from 525 to 404 BC. They claimed Egypt as a vassal state after their success at the Battle of Pelusium in 525 BC over Pharaoh Psamtik III. Some of the Court, the Royal Family and the now ex-Pharaoh, the Royal Family and some of the Court managed to flee to the former Capital City of Memphis but they were soon captured by the Persians who removed them to their Capital City of Susa. Here many of them lived peacefully until former Pharaoh Psamtik III tried to incite a revolt. The Persians executed him and put many of the remaining Egyptians to death.

The Persian Pharaohs foiled some revolts by the native Egyptians during this period but overall their rule remainder fairly peaceful. Many of the Persian Rulers took on the Egyptian Throne names, rebuilt Temples, allowed the native Egyptians to follow their own religion, and enhanced the country with their canal and road building efforts. On the negative side, the native Egyptians were enslaved by the wealthier and high-class Persians whilst others were enlisted into the Persian Army by force. The last Persian Pharaoh and end of the 27th Dynasty was Pharaoh Darius II.

Dynasty 28 began with ascension of the Throne of Pharaoh Amyrtaeus in 404 BC. He was probably related to Egypt’s 26th Dynasty of Pharaohs who had their Capital City at Sais. Egypt was now back in the hands of an Egyptian Ruler and the Persian rulers had been banished. This Dynasty 28 ended when Pharaoh was killed in 399 BC.


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Pharaoh Cambyses II

Reigned in Egypt: 525 to 522 BC
Background: Persian Ruler from the House of Achaemenid, previously he served as Governor of north Babylon before he ascended the Achaemenid Throne
Parents: Cyrus the Great and Queen Cassandane
Religion: Indo-Iranian 

Cambyses II had himself crowned in his predecessors’ Capital City of Sais inside the Temple of Neith, with the traditional Egyptian titles, “Descended from the Gods Ra, Horus and Osiris”, and “King of Upper and Lower Egypt”.

Pharaoh Cambyses II conquered Egypt in the Battle of Pelusium in 525 BC, which was a part of a Battle Plan that he and his father had worked out before his father’s death. They wished for Persia to rule all the lands between the Euphrates and Nile Rivers. After Egypt, Pharaoh Cambyses II brought the Libyans and the Greeks of Cyrene and Barca under his rulership and they would often send him gifts as well as the required tributes.

In 522 BC Pharaoh left Egypt hastily to put down an uprising in his native Persia, but he died after a leg wound turned gangrenous in Syria, it is not certain whether this was an accident, he received a wound from an enemy force, he himself accidently stabbed himself whilst mounting his horse, or whether it was a failed assassination by forces vying to remove him from Persia’s Throne which worked in the longer term. Bardiva, his brother, succeeded Pharaoh Cambyses II, as he died without a suitable heir.

Pharaoh Bardiya

Reigned in Egypt: 522 BC
Parents: Probably Cyrus the Great and Queen Cassandane
Religion: Zoroastrianism 

The information about this ruler is notoriously difficult to interpret and even harder to conclusively report. It appears that the Bardiya who claimed the Throne of Egypt after his brother’s death was a Magician called Gaumata who was pretending to be Bardiya. If so, he successfully reigned for 8 months before he was killed by Darius along with other Persian Nobles who suspected his impersonation.

In more modern times, it has been postured that this story was propaganda enacted by Darius to justify the killing of Pharaoh Bardiya.


Pharaoh Petubastis III

Reigned in Egypt: 522 to 520 BC
Family: Distant member of the Egyptian Pharaohs who ruled in the Capital City of Sais
Religion: Egyptian 

This distant member of the former Egyptian Pharaohs was crowned at Memphis in the period when Pharaoh Cambyses died and the newly enthroned Pharaoh Bardiya had taken the Throne at Sais. His reign also covered the period between the death of Pharaoh Bardiya and the assumption of the Throne by another Persian.

Pharaoh Darius I, also known as Darius the Great

Reigned in Egypt: 522 to 486 BC
Background: Persian Ruler from the House of Achaemenid, he ascended to the Achaemenid Throne at the same time as the Egyptian Throne
Parents: His father was Hystaspes, and his mother was either Irdabama or Rhodogune
Religion: Indo-Iranian or Zoroastrianism

Pharaoh Darius I ascended the Throne when he seized it after the murder of Pharaoh Bardiya or the man impersonating Bardiya. He was 28 years old and ruled over the largest scale that the Persian Empire reached: Egypt, North Africa and Northeast Africa, Macedonia, Paeonia and Thrace, the Caucasus, Black Sea coasts and the Balkans, the Indus Valley, parts of Libya, parts of Sudan and Central Asia.

Pharaoh’s reign began on a bumpy trajectory as after the previous Persian Ruler was murdered. Firstly, he needed to defeat the army of the Memphite Pharaoh who was loosely connected to the 26th Dynasty. Secondly, he lookeed at his Realm and the uprisings which were occurring throughout the then Persian Empire: Elam, Assyria, Babylon and finally Scythian Nomads. Darius and his Army put every single revolt down, including the Babylonian uprising which included a siege for over a year and a half.

Darius encouraged the Egyptian religion being worshiped and followed in Egypt, following this his building achievements including new Temples, dedicated to Gods Nekhbet, Amun and Ptah, new roads and canals, and restored many Temples. His military life finally wore Pharaoh down. After the Persians were defeated at the Battle of Marathon, Pharaoh began planning a new Greek campaign. The planning stage was at its zenith after three years of prepping. Timing being everything, Egypt revolted and the stress this forced on Pharaoh combated with his health failing. He would never lead another Military Campaign and shortly after he died.

Pharaoh Xerxes I

Reigned in Egypt: 486 to 465 BC
Background: Persian Ruler from the House of Achaemenid, he ascended to the Achaemenid Throne at the same time as the Egyptian Throne
Parents: Son of Darius the Great and Atossa
Religion: Indo-Iranian or Zoroastrianism

Inheriting his Throne from his father and he ruled the Empire when it was still at the height of its power. He is remembered for successfully invading Greece and ending revolts in Babylon and Egypt. Pharaoh Xerxes I was assassinated by the Head of the Royal Bodyguard, Artabanus.

Pharaoh or Regent Artabanus of Persia

Reigned in Egypt: 465 to 464 BC
Background: Persian Head of the Royal Bodyguard, he assassinated his predecessor, Pharaoh Xerxes I, who he was protecting
Religion: Indo-Iranian or Zoroastrianism

Allegedly he was forced into killing his predecessor, Pharaoh Xerxes I, because he was already responsible for Pharaoh’s son and Crown Prince of Egypt, Darius. However, other accounts claim that he placed Artaxerxes I as Pharaoh and he remained as a Regent for him. Whichever case was true, within a few months, Artaxerxes I killed Artabanus.


Pharaoh Artaxerxes I

Reigned in Egypt: 465 to 424 BC
Background: Persian Ruler from the House of Achaemenid, he ascended to the Achaemenid Throne at the same time as the Egyptian Throne
Parents: The third son of Xerxes I and Amestris
Religion: Zoroastrianism

When Artaxerxes I discovered that Artabanus had killed his predecessor, Pharaoh Xerxes I, and his son, Crown Prince of Egypt, Darius, he killed Artabanus and his sons in revenge.

Pharaoh faced a revolt in Egypt from 460 to 454 BC which was headed by 26th Dynasty descendant, Libyan Prince Inaros II, paired with the Athenians. He defeated the Persian Army, and they were forced to retreat into the ancient city of Memphis. The Athenians and Prince Inaros II were finally defeated in 454 BC and many were removed to the Persian City of Susa and held there in a form of imprisonment.

Pharaoh Xerxes II

Reigned in Egypt: For 45 days in 424 BC
Background: Persian Ruler from the House of Achaemenid, he ascended to the Achaemenid Throne at the same time as the Egyptian Throne
Parents: Son of Artaxerxes I and Damaspia
Religion: Zoroastrianism

Son of his predecessor, Pharaoh Xerxes II, ruled for 45 days after which time he was murdered by his half-brother Sogdianus, who commands were committed by Menostanes, cousin to Pharaoh Xerxes II, and the eunuch Pharnacyas.


Pharaoh Sogdianus

Reigned in Egypt: 6 months and 15 days
Background: Persian Ruler from the House of Achaemenid, he ascended to the Achaemenid Throne at the same time as the Egyptian Throne
Parents: Son of Artaxerxes I and Alogyne of Babylon
Religion: Zoroastrianism 

Little is known about this ruler apart from the length of his reign, 6 months and 15 days, and that he was killed by his half-brother, Ochus, who claimed the Throne after him as Darius II. Pharaoh Sogdianus requested that he was not killed by poison, hunger, or the sword, so his half-brother killed him by asphyxiating him in a pile of ash.

Pharaoh Darius II

Reigned in Egypt: 423 to 404 BC, last Pharaoh of Dynasty 27
Background: Persian Ruler from the House of Achaemenid, he ascended to the Achaemenid Throne at the same time as the Egyptian Throne
Parents: Son of Artaxerxes I and Cosmartidene of Babylon
Religion: Zoroastrianism

Pharaoh Darius II was previously known as Ochus who killed his half-brother, Pharaoh Sogdianus to take on the Throne, but little is known about his reign in relation to Egypt. He died after reigning for 19 years and was the last Pharaoh of the 27th Dynasty.

Pharaoh Amyrtaeus

Reigned in Egypt: 404 to 399 BC, only Pharaoh of Dynasty 28
Background: Egyptian Ruler who probably had Libyan Heritage
Religion: Egyptian 

Pharaoh Amyrtaeus was probably related to Egypt’s 26th Dynasty of Pharaohs who had their Capital City at Sais. Egypt was in Egyptian hands and the Persian rulers had been banished after he revolted against Pharaoh Darius II in 411BC and then assumed the Throne on his death. Although the Persians may have still been in semi-control of Upper Egypt whilst Pharaoh was magnanimous in the Delta and Lower Egypt.

This Pharaoh is only known from documentation. No monuments or cartouches have been found in hieroglyphic writing, only papyrus documents written in demotic script show this Rulers name.

Pharaoh was eventually killed by his successor, Pharaoh Nepherites I. They fought an open battle in October 399 BC where Amyrtaeus was probably captured and executed at Memphis. The end of Dynasty 28.


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